Fortunately there are many things you can do to help support this movement.
Contact your senators and ask them to support current democracy legislation.
- Read the Build a Movement page and select some actions to take to help grow the Democracy Movement.
- Work to elect new legislators who are not beholden to Wall Street and who will support our goals, energize people and give them hope.
- Share links to this site and to our Facebook page with your friends and family.
- Join a local democracy group that is working on this issue.
- If you are living near Concord, Massachusetts you can check the events to see if there is an event that you wish to attend this month.
- Read one or more of our recommended books.
- Assemble a small group of friends and neighbors to view one of the videos and then discuss it.
- Follow us on Facebook for current relevant news and figure out what our Congress and President are doing to help corporations and the rich, generally at a cost to everyone else.
- Use what you have learned to write a letter to your local newspaper or contact your representatives. The Indivisible Guide is an excellent resource for working with legislators.
- Please provide feedback about this website or suggest some ideas for growing our movement by sending an email message to us.
Thank you for your support!!