Reclaim Our Democracy is an inclusive collaborative multi-partisan movement. Our goal is to reclaim our democratic rights as citizens of the United States of America to have a government that truly represents and supports the needs and desires of all people.

About Us

Our Mission

Reclaim Our Democracy is an inclusive, collaborative, multi-partisan movement.

Our goal is to reclaim our democratic rights as citizens of the United States of America to have a government that truly represents and supports the needs and desires of all people.

Our Objectives:

  • Help build the democracy movement
  • Elect leaders that are not under the influence of moneyed interests who can truly represent the needs of the people.
  • Repair our governmental systems: reform campaign financing, eliminate gerrymandering, enable and encourage citizens to vote.
  • Pass a 28th Amendment to the Constitution which makes it clear that corporations do not have the same rights as people, that money is not the same as free speech, and that improving the lives of “we, the people” is the purpose of our government.
  • Save our democracy from those who are attacking it

What We Do:

  • Educate ourselves and others
  • Organize learning events
  • Collaborate with other organizations
  • Help grow the Democracy Movement

Aspirations for Our Movement:

  • Inclusive of all groups and people who want to improve this issue – we support and assist other groups working on this topic – we form a network of grass roots volunteers and we operate democratically
  • Our message is easy to understand – it brings out people’s passions to fix the situation – it is clear how this issue affects us and others
  • Our gatherings are enjoyable and productive
  • We have great marketing – we attract attention
  • The movement can grow easily – our activities and materials are easily replicated in other locations
  • We are able to apply pressure on politicians, corporations, billionaires and PACS
  • We achieve our goals

Our Story

Our group began working on the issues of escalating inequality and the corrupting influence of money in politics in 2014 at First Parish in Concord, Massachusetts.

In 2016 we began focusing on the corruption of our democracy and created this website. We have been working with other churches and groups to advance education and action on this issue, and have held many events to bring people together. We are working with a variety of different organizations to reclaim our democracy including Declaration for American Democracy, Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice, Faithful Democracy, the League of Women Voters, Indivisible, American Promise, UU Mass Action, UU Side With Love, Center for Common Ground, the Poor People’s Campaign, and others.

We are an all-volunteer group without a budget. Our expenses are minimal. We do not take any money from corporations, Super-PACS or billionaires.